Inspired by a Loeb Classics extant translation of Sappho's Fragments, where missing words are depicted as brackets and dots, I found the composition of each page compelling and visually charged. This series explores residual paint fragments left on a palette -orphans that never made it onto the canvas. The palette is information about a painting in its purest form.
Mining and repurposing residual palette paint is a metaphor for reading fragmented passages of an ancient poem. Considerations of meter [rhythm] and poetic content, make up these visually charged tablets.
Written translations over time distort and diffuse original content from its contextual form. Examples might include contemporary social media and the presumed poetic license to copy and paste any media content into a different environment.
Fragments can only be interpreted relative to the content they reside in.
Sappho: a 7th BCE poet has been described as: many-minded, wordsmith, tale-weaver, charmer of impossibilities, and definer of the symptoms of desire.
She created the adjective, 'bitter-sweet'.